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Intelligent Mechatronics & Robotics Laboratory
송동호, 現) 현대모비스 기술연구소
2011. 03 ~ 2013. 02: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2003. 03 ~ 2011. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on the fixed-structure robust controller design based on a quantum inspired distributed particle swarm optimization"
백현욱, 現) 현대모비스 마북연구소 주차시스팀섹터
2012. 03 ~ 2014. 02: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2006. 03 ~ 2012. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on the optimal designs and flow control of sewer networks using diversity-enhanced particle swarm optimizer"
이영일, 現) SEMES SW센터 Etch SW그룹
2013. 09 ~ 2015. 08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2006. 03 ~ 2013. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on the high-speed high-precision controller design of Delta-type parallel robot using an optimization method"
이호운, 現) 현대자동차 경영전략사업부
2014. 09 ~ 2016. 08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2008. 03 ~ 2014. 08: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on the system identification and controller design for 3-DOF aerial vehicle based on particle swarm optimization algorithm"
채민지, 現) 현대자동차 남양연구소 차량모션제어개발팀
2015. 03 ~ 2017. 02: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2010. 03 ~ 2015. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on robust H∞/GH2 SOF controller design for vehicle active suspension based on 7-DOF full-car model using multi-objective particle swarm optimization"
황윤규, 現) Osaka University 공학연구과 박사과정
2015. 03 ~ 2017. 02: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2008. 03 ~ 2015. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "Robust control for autonomous flight of quadrotor helicopter under a GPS-denied environment"
박수호, 現) (주)영진웜 연구소장
2015. 03 ~ 2017. 08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
1987. 03 ~ 1994. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Thesis Title: "Study on optimal design and analysis of worm and worm-wheel for a 3.125:1 worm reducer used in Gantry robots"
고영래 (Young-Rae Ko), 現) 큐렉소 기술연구소
2017. 09 ~ 2017. 12: Post-Doctoral Researcher
2012. 09 ~ 2017. 08: Ph. D in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2010. 03 ~ 2012. 02: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
1999. 03 ~ 2010. 02: B.S in Electrical and Electronic Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "Feedforward and feedback controller design for control performance and robustness enhancement of hysteretic systems"
천세민 (Semin Chun), 現) 현대자동차 선행기술원
2018. 03 ~ 2018. 05: Post-Doctoral Researcher
2013. 09 ~ 2018. 02: Ph. D in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2011. 09 ~ 2013. 08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2004. 03 ~ 2010. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "Study on the unified optimal methodology for system modeling, digital filtering and controller design: Simultaneous optimal selection of system-order and the associated parameters"
변정인 (Jungin Byun), 現) 한국생산기술연구원
2018. 03 ~ 2020.08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2012. 03 ~ 2016. 02: B.S in the Department of Hydrogen Energy, Dongsin University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on the development of independent flight data recorder device for MAVLink protocol-based UAV system"
김영재 (Yeong Jae Kim), 現) 중앙대학교 (유학준비중)
2021. 09 ~ 2023. 08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2016. 03 ~ 2021. 08: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "Optimal H∞ control synthesis using an input saturation function for handling the actuator saturation issue"
곽태헌 (Tae Heon Kwak), 現) 현대자동차 남양연구소 전동화성능기술팀
2021. 09 ~ 2023. 08: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2016. 03 ~ 2021. 08: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "A study on the collective behavior of dynamic multi-agent systems governed by the generalized cyclic pursuit mechanism"
김민규 (Min Gyu Kim), 現) HD현대사이트솔루션 스마트굴착기기술팀
2022. 03 ~ 2024. 02: M.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
2016. 03 ~ 2022. 02: B.S in Mechanical Eng., Chung-Ang University, Korea
Thesis Title: "Meta-heuristic algorithm for reduced-order model identification and low-order controller design"
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